Friday, April 1, 2011

Margin: what is it? how do I get it? is it even necessary?

MARGIN: for some reason I keep hearing this word lately- it's possible that I am saying it to myself but nevertheless it's there, ringing in my ear. defines margin as follows: an amount allowed or available beyond what is actually necessary. Today, I am thinking about margin in terms of applying it to our own personal time. So, as I understand it, margin with regard to time means that if I "have margin," I have extra time in my schedule, an "amount (of time) available beyond what I need." 

Now I ask you: Do you have margin? Do you/we need margin? Why? The reason I am asking is because I feel like I should have margin but I really don't. Two things happened recently to make me examine my (lack of) margin.

  1. At the missions conference I attended recently, the speaker discussed the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10). This story is just filled with busy, important people- they saw the injured man but just couldn't be bothered-OR did they just not have any margin?! 
  2. About a week ago my sister saw a woman crying by the side of the road and she just couldn't drive by. She tried to help the woman but the woman didn't want any help. She had had a fight with her husband and he had just kicked her out of the house and she didn't have anywhere to go so she was just sitting there, on the sidewalk, crying. She was thankful to Tiff but didn't want to leave her kids behind; her husband will let her back in eventually. My sister couldn't help her but she didn't pass her by either.

As I have thought about both of these scenarios, I ask myself: would I have stopped? Am I a selfish person if I hadn't? If I am being really honest here I think the answers are No to the first and No* to the second (notice the astrix). This is tricky because in 2011 there are 1000s reasons to drive right on by and only a handful of reasons to stop. We really need to examine why we are passing by human need so easily?

I would venture to say that we have no margin.  We are good people, we are Christians, we care about other's suffering and needs but we have no extra time to address these injustices. People, you and I need to MAKE TIME. CREATE MARGIN. Leave that door open so we can be available to others when the Father leads! One thing I do know is my "No*" could quickly become a definitive yes if I am not actively examining my motives and actions.

The missionary said one other thing: Do not pass by the reality of human need in 4 major areas: Family, the Church, our Community, and the World. Do you know the names and needs of your neighbors?

How to create margin: Say no. If you must say yes, wait 24 hours- you may change your mind. If you have any other ideas, please comment!!!

Our house in San Jose, Costa Rica... We always left our door open.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Daniela - It's Leah!! I will be following you now :o) Check out the Andy Stanley message called Take It To The Limit about margin. I think you will like it :o)

    Sending you lots of love from AZ. Let me know the next time you are in town - would love to see you!!
