In my case they appear to be the same thing. Since I am the mother in this rag tag group known as the Wandering Rileys, the last few months have been one long session of list-making of what needs to be done, what needs to be bought, what appointments need to be made, and what friends I have yet to connect with. I have been packing things bound for several places: Grandmas shed, garage sale, Thailand, giveaway, and trash.
Finally, and most sad, are the goodbyes. If you are one of the ones we have said goodbye to, we already miss you terribly and are finding it hard to look forward sometimes!
However, this is not my first time "out of the gate". I know that I can get suntan lotion and cinnamon where I'm going. I feel confident my kids will thrive where I'm going. I have friends where I'm going. And most importantly, we will not be forgotten by our beloved friends here in the US. Whew!
As we draw near to boarding plane for Thailand, the pressure to have it together grows. However the plain truth is that we fly out in 5 days. If I haven't done it (you can fill in the blank as to what "it" is) by now, chances are it isn't gonna happen now!
So, I suppose nothing is left but to hang on and enjoy the ride!
With love & blessings,
DJ and the Wandering Rileys
pic: Will and Susi at the Thai consulate in LA

Location:Long Beach, CA
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