However, I find I am we'll suited to learning languages- I enjoy meeting and spending time with people from cultures other than my own. I like to talk. I like to laugh... usually at myself as I attempt a new word or sound. I like to use the language by going out and trying (sometimes failing) new words and phrases. I also love music- and languages are VERY musical. You must listen to the musical qualities of language and do your best to mimic the sounds exactly. Fun right?! I think so!
So, as I said, I began studying my 5th language. But this just isn't any language. This is the language my heart has desired to learn for over 10 years. I just didn't have the opportunity until now.
Have you guessed which one yet? If you know me, you won't need to guess for long.

Beginning this journey gives me such joy- I am so thankful that the Father grants the desires of our hearts. Maybe not the timing we would like but we need to trust that His timing is perfect!
May His timing and blessings give you joy today!
Location:แก้วนวรัฐ ซอย 3,Wat Ket,Thailand