So, there's an adjustment to be made there! But living in Costa Rica prepared me for ants- I just have to get used to them again.
I suppose that is my plan: I just have to get used to _____ again. Because we have lived overseas before, we have realized that in order to thrive in a given place, you must make adjustments. Big ones. Small ones. Flying ones. Biting ones. Haha But the point is that adjustments must be made... And right now they are being made all the time.
Driving for instance. Although Mike and I both have operated vehicles for over 20 years, driving here involves some serious adjustments. For instance, rules of the road here are more like guidelines. Just let that soak in for a minute. You cannot rely on the rules to get you around. You must flow with the traffic and merge... While navigating narrow thruways, dogs lying in the streets, 1000s of motorbikes, and one small teeny fact that they drive on the other side of the road.
One fun adjustment is the food! For the most part we are pretty adventurous eaters! Even Susana has been willing to try different things- she loves mangoes and sticky rice! Will likes Thailand's signature dish, Pad Thai. Mike likes anything spicy- curries especially! My fave thing to eat here is Rotee- a street vendor food that is out of this world! Check out the link below to see how it's made!
One final adjustment, and perhaps the most important of all, is that I cannot solely rely on myself. I must rely on God and our friends here and back home to help us! Our interim years in the States allowed me to rely on myself way too much. I find peace when I give my doubts and fears to God and allow Him to adjust the scenario... Or more likely adjust me.
Motorbikes, Mangoes & Moouts: 3 of many adjustments we are making in this new place. But we are making them, one at a time. Soon this will feel like home every time we step out the door.... Or on a Moout. ;)

With love & blessings,
DJ and the Wandering Rileys
Location:Chiang Mai, THAILAND